Saturday, April 4, 2015

2015 ninety-four

Another great cousins day.
We started at the Draper City Easter Egg hunt - with every other kid in the valley.

 Enjoyed General Conference and a Conference Party hosted by Brynners
Games, treats, a treasure hunt, and conference activities were a hit.
After conference the kids decided they wanted to go swimming in our neighbors pool.  Thank goodness we have amazing neighbors!
 Priesthood time!  Cade's first time.  (Jackson not pictured)
All the dads were out of town so these cute boys went together.
 They made plans to eat at Fuji after conference, it sounded so good the moms went too!  We ran into them on our way out.  Photo by Jim who flew in and joined them at the Priesthood session.


Becca said...

Another great day. So blessed that my children have such great cousins to hang out with

Kass said...

Best day but I think I ate enough calories for 2 weeks!