Friday, September 26, 2014

two hundred sixty-nine

I spy with my little eye…a mom not watching the game but talking to a friend behind her.  
Jim was watching the game online on his way to the game and send a picture like this to me on my phone.  I wasn't watching in that one either.  He's so funny.
Z's other position is the ball holder for extra points.  I don't think he has messed up yet.
 It rained, then it stopped, it rained and then it stopped…repeated the entire game.
I was glad it was a warm night, just super wet.
These photos and the one of Z's TD last week were taken by one of our team photographers- Carl Schaeffer.  So all credit goes to him, he does a great job and I'm so grateful for some close ups of my boy!
P.S. Still undefeated and another great win 48-14
Oh…and this happened tonight.
We received a call from our second son at the end of the game.  Let's just say I'm so grateful that he and his friend were both wearing their seat belts and were protected and unharmed.  Lesson to be learned about distractive driving! Pay attention and you won't hit a tree and flip on your side! M was not driving but this happened in our neighborhood and it was quite the attention getter.  


Kass said...

haha! Mom's Busted! Great pictures of you boy from the game though. Soo glad the sideways car picture is just a memory now and not a tragedy. Scary!


Pictures that tell a story. Z is awesome holding the football. Glad M is safe and learned a lesson

Becca said...

What a night! I would probably get caught talking backwards as well. Oops. Great photos of Z playing. M........ wow. So glad they were OK.