Wednesday, July 30, 2014

two hundred eleven

Cousins Camp Day 3:
We spent the day at a friend's of Becca.  The kids were in heaven with all the animals and mountain landscape.  The cats were a hit.
 Along with the horses.  We were even able to run with them.  
 This girl was more interested in the baby than the animals.  She held her as much as she was allowed.  
 This cat was the best sport of the day.  Between B girl and her cousin it was carried around ALL day.
 While the little kids were at the farm, the three bigger boys took the boat out and went boating all day by themselves.  Scary but exciting for them.  They did good.

That night we traveled to visit Jim's family.
Uncle Greg was the best as he taught the little kids how to shoot bows and arrows.

Uncle Ron organized a little basketball game with the neighbors to show his nephews that he still has it, even at 54 years old! He came back very proud that Z, M and him had won their friendly 3 on 3 pick-up game.
And she talked and talked and talked to her cousin.

The best thing for the little girls was the hedgehog.  Just like the cat earlier today, they didn't put it down.  



So glad you made time to visit family in Lovell.


Can't think of anything better to do in Montana then spend the day in a mountain cabin!

Becca said...

Can't believe how much one can pack in in one day. You sure did it. Lovell looked really fun. Glad you got to go.

Kass said...

Gorgeous pictures that totally captured the moments of this awesome, full day! Thanks for adopting Breezers for the night. She has mentioned it many times since.