Sunday, January 26, 2014


After last week's FHE lesson on Moses, today we watched all three hours & forty minutes of "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston.  A movie I watched and loved when I was young.
 Before bed we had a quick family Wii night...
 …except for this guy who had too much homework. Procrastinator :)


Abs said...

Ahhh...what a relaxing winter Sunday. Do you own that movie? We need to borrow it! Mick has to work from 11pm-7am because they have a patient on ecmo, so we all took long naps & ate dinner at 8:30 pm. (Cal & Cade never work back up. It must have been a long weekend!)

Becca said...

What a great way to spend the day. I lived watching that movie. .... Every week, since it was the only one we could watch on Sunday. :)


Come on, Rebecca. What about Saturday's Warriors? I own the movie and would be happy to loan it out. I recently watched it when I had no tv. Loved it. Very true to the scriptures.