Monday, July 12, 2010

one hundred ninety-three

4:15 a.m. - Scout Camp Drop Off
"Mom are you really taking a picture of me this early?"

"Bye buddy, I'll miss you, have a great week!"

8:00 p.m. - An Evening Boating
"Mom, I want to try knee boarding"

"Wow, buddy you are doing it!"


" Hit It......." said...

Love your new header and your blog! Looks like you have a natural on the knee-board.

My kids look at me like that when I bring out the camera too.

Becca said...

That was a long day. 4:15-10:00 What we do for kids. Love Z Man's look on his face. Classic. The Jett was amazing. He is going to be just like Mr. Outdoors.

Tiffany said...

Looks like you guys are having a great summer.