Thursday, February 6, 2014


These are two tired boys and one sympathetic brother.  They had to run the mile today under 6 minutes for lacrosse (outside in the 30 degree weather).  They both did it with 5 and 15 seconds to spare!
One even threw up after! Now they are off to a national team tryout…poor guys!


Becca said...

What dedicated boys. Great picture too. Love those boys.

Kass said...

Serious dedication. I don't miss running in the cold at all! They cruised! Maybe I will have some family running partners in the future.


My first thought was "I wish they had been that dedicated to piano". JK. I know these young men are dedicated in many righteous endeavors and dedication to la crosse will take them places! That is a fast mile! Good way to warm up in 30 degree weather!