Saturday, March 14, 2015

2015 seventy-three

The last two images I submitted for my final Critique.
Loving my little tween.
 This has been a very demanding 4 weeks on my imagination and brain cells.  So much to learn and so much to practice.  When I think I understand something and put it to practice my brain just freezes and I get all confused on what settings to use.  It will be nice to take a break and then start again in April.
Yep, Rhon and I already signed up for another class.  Introduction to Natural Light! 



Looked at pictures again. I am blessed to have you all as part of my family. It made my day! Can't help but feel so happy !

Becca said...

What great pictures Anny! You are doing awesome!

Kass said...

Wow! Love these and recognize that jumpsuit. Abby wears hers all.the.time. Maybe we should get some girls? They do look comfy!